Saturday, June 7, 2008

The stuff of legends: 1

Since time out of mine, I've had a passion for the superhero genre. Why, you ask? I wish I had an answer. Most people who don't know me that well think I should become a musician. Another Ray Charles or Stevy Wonder. I often get questions such as,"So what's with your facination concerning Marvel, DC, and Mirage? Ya can't even read a comic? So why not become a computer programmer or another song writer?"
Because people have already been there and done that. I hope to become an audio book narrator or to do voiceovers in anything animated dealing with the genre I enjoy some day. Imposible? Nah, like a wise little green Jedi Master said once,"Do or do not. There is no try."
I have a passion for writing, and for epics as well as the characters that make up these stories. No, I can't go out and read a comic. But there are animated series as well as films based on these stories which are just as interesting. These are, in fact, my comics. So I can't go pick up a Spectacular Spider-Man issue and leaf through it. But the CW has a fantastic new series dealing with everyone's favorite wallcrawler. It is heavy on dialogue as well as action. As for being able to get a play by play on some of the fight scenes from such series... Well, I still haven't figured that one out yet. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying these shows or the blockbuster film incarnations either. Don't even get me started on how much I enjoy the Heroes live action TV series. That, my friends, is extremely visual, but that doesn't stop me from looking up a detailed synopsis on the Heroes wiki and having it read to me by my faithful screen reading program. There are ways around such obsticles. Challenging? Sure. But I know what I like and I don't let anything stop me from experiencing this stuff of legends.
This is primarily a blog concerned with a look at some of these characters and the worlds surrounding them from my unique perspective. I don't have a particular favorite. I'm a lover of everything from the DC animated universe to that of Marvel. I'm also a huge Star Wars junky, so I hope to write about some of the expanded universe characters I've come to know and appreciate over the years. No inane psychobabble though, so don't worry about any of that. I hope to share my appreciation for the myriad of films, novels, and series surrounding all of these characters as well as the characters themselves. Hopefully some of these entries will cultivate a love for some of these stories in someone unfamiliar to them.
Ok, so enough of the prefatory matters. Like the profile says, if you have any questions whatsoever, ask. I'm not one of those blind folks who get offended at the drop of a hat. I respect the opinions of others and I enjoy a good conversation as much as the next guy, so don't worry about walking or talking on eggshells around me. I promise I don't bite. How else are you going to learn something new if you don't ask. I never shun the curious. That is how I tend to be by nature.
Anywho, that's enough ranting for one evening, I think. I'll be back tomorrow when I've slept and am refreshed.
P.S. I have a Live Journal. My user name there is blindguy02. That's where I talk about my everyday life in general. Feel free to visit me there.

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